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Undercoat SiW

A white water-base styrene acrylic primer enhanced with silicon resins, suitable for priming internal surfaces exposed to humidity -such as kitchens and bathrooms- prior to the painting of emulsion paints.

Packaging: 1US Gallon & 16L

Spreading Rate: 120-140 m²/pail (depending on dilution percentage and surface’s porosity)

*Technical Data Sheet available upon request

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Undercoat W

A white water-base styrene acrylic primer, suitable for internal surfaces prior to the painting of emulsion paints.

Packaging: 1US Gallon & 16L

Spreading Rate: 120-140 m²/pail (depending on dilution percentage and surface’s porosity)

*Technical Data Sheet available upon request

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Undercoat Th

A white solvent-base alkyd primer, suitable for the preparation of internal surfaces exposed to humidity -such as kitchens and bathrooms- prior to painting of emulsion or enamel paints.

Packaging: 1Lt , 1US Gallon & 16L

Spreading Rate: 25-30 m²/US Gallon (depending on dilution percentage and surface’s porosity)

*Technical Data Sheet available upon request

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Sealer Clear

A transparent vinyl acrylic co-polymer primer, suitable for the preparation of internal surfaces prior to painting of emulsion paints.

Packaging: 1Lt , 1US Gallon & 16L

Spreading Rate: 120-150 m²/pail (depending on dilution percentage and surface’s porosity)

*Technical Data Sheet available upon request